Research Group 


Numerical Analysis, Machine Learning and Data Mining for Complex and Multiscale Systems

Dr. Alessandro della Pia

Numerical Analysis and Solution of PDEs, MOdelling and Simulation, Complex Fluids, Machine Learning, Crowd Dynamics, Multiphase Flows, Data Reduction

Dr. Kyriakos Georgiou

Numerical Analysis, Machine Learning, Uncertainty Quantification, Partial Differential Equations, Computational Neuroscience, Financial Systems

Dr. Dimitris Patsatzis

Numerical Analysis, Reduced Order Models, Invariant Manifolds, Physics-Informed Machine Learning, Mobility Dynamics. Complex Systems, Data Reduction

Gianluca Fabiani

Numerical Analysis, Inverse and Forward Problems of Differential Equations, Complex Systems, Physics-Informed Machine Learning, Phase Field Models

Hector Vargas Alvarez

Numerical Analysis, Control Systems, Machine Learning, Crowd Dynamics, Agent Based modeling, Inverse problems

Gianmaria Viola

Numerical Solution of PDEs, Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Reduced  order Models, Crowd Dynamics